My Blog

The path toĀ wellbeing.

The core ofĀ one'sĀ spirit is made in new experiences!

Iā€™m Already Grateful for ya, 2020! Jan 01, 2020

Wow.  We are embarking upon a New Year AND a whole new decade!  

Thank you 2019.  You carried us kindly.  

Welcome 2020!  We deeply acknowledge your gifts and abundance.  We THANK YOU now for all you have in store for us.  We...

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Insights from India Nov 24, 2019

India has been whispering my name for many years.   This November I was blessed to travel alongside some amazing souls to the vibrant country of India.  A few of you have asked that I share some of my highlights…

We visited the Taj Mahal (majestic), the Lotus...

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Friendship is the New Coping Skill Aug 10, 2019

"Our whole lives are relationships.  Love accordingly.”

 - Danielle LaPorte


FACT:   Our relationships with others are a direct mirror of our relationships with ourselves and mimic our spiritual connection.


Why do we need relationships?  

Belly laughs,...

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Kundalini for Addiction Training in Espanola, New Mexico Apr 05, 2019

"As we are entering the Age of Aquarius, we have to become responsible, outspoken, leading teachers of this Age. That's what we have trained for and that's what we have grown into. You cannot live under a camouflage. You have to live openly, honestly, brightly, and forthrightly. Your words...

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How Do I Surrender, And Mean It? Mar 18, 2019

The Buddhists say you can surrender or you can suffer.  

Suffering most always relates to not liking things how they are.

How do you learn to accept, like, and eventually embrace things that you thought would never happen or didn’t want to happen?  

How do you not become...

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3 ways to Actively Convert Anxiety into Strength Feb 15, 2019

Being vulnerable is good. It’s honest.  It’s authentic.  Expressing vulnerability is sharing exactly where you are at the given moment.  

Pretending to be anything else will increase your anxiety. 

Owning your anxiety (naming, sharing your...

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Are You Emotionally Self-Reliant? Feb 03, 2019

Are you Emotionally Self-Reliant?  Do you look for happiness from others?  If you look to others to fill your cup, you are likely often disappointed as other people come and go, or become unavailable as they separate to meet their own individual needs.  


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Are you a High Achiever with a Malnourished Soul? Jan 26, 2019


Is this familiar? 

Are you feeling stuck in certain areas of your life?   Do you feel stagnant?  

Are you full of amazing ideas and potential and yet not seeing the results you desire?   Or worse, are you working...

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A Lunar Eclipse ON a Full Moon! What the What?!?! ā€¦is the Spiritual Significance? Jan 09, 2019

According to astrologists Full Moons are an invitation to release all that no longer serves you or to let go of an aspect of yourself that you’ve outgrown.

Eclipses are change agents.   They welcome us to purge stuck, stale emotions and attachments.

The Full Moon COMBINED...

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How do you Keep Your New Years Resolution? ... for legit? Jan 06, 2019

We are a week into the New Year.  How do you keep your New Years Resolutions? 

It doesn’t have to feel good.  It doesn’t have to feel bad.  It has to feel right.  

Often I ask my clients. “Does it feel...

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Slow down to Speed up Nov 14, 2018

Increasingly, I am reminded to do less.   Not more. 

For most of us, doing less feels like we are giving up.  Trusting time to do it’s magic and for stillness to reveal a better way is counterintuitive for many of us that have developed patterns of...

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Be You. You Are Ready. NOW. Nov 07, 2018

You do not have to get rid of your fear in order to be courageous, brave and make a difference. 

You do not have to wait for approval of any kind to validate that your very unique contribution to the world is direly needed.  

You do not have to armor up to be safe to expressing...

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