Friendship is the New Coping Skill

Aug 10, 2019

"Our whole lives are relationships.  Love accordingly.”

 - Danielle LaPorte


FACT:   Our relationships with others are a direct mirror of our relationships with ourselves and mimic our spiritual connection.


Why do we need relationships?  

Belly laughs, inside jokes only the two of you understand, the look that needs no words, the ability to pick up the phone and call without hesitation, not having to explain the backstory.   ALL of this takes “another”.  Our ability to share a moment is impossible without a pal.    


Friendship - the trendy coping measure….   

How do you nurture your anguish... relationships.  The healing is in how your friend changes the subject when you are on the hot seat, how she laughs with you and sees the humor in the situation when you need to be rescued from your pain, how she shows up unannounced with exactly what you need, how she remembers your favorite drink and has one waiting for you when you walk in the restaurant, how she reminds you where you kicked ass and points out your successes when you feel like a colossal failure.  Friends heal our wounds.  They buoy our pain.  They see and demand our highest potential.  They demonstrate grace.  

Our whole lives are about connection. 

Spiritual connection is connection to your soul.  This type of connection reveals to us how we are not separate, but that we are all one.   

Spiritual connection can not evolve in isolation.   

Spiritual connection is the playground in which we get to practice love, kindness, self-control, discipline and collaboration.   In relationship we have the opportunity to embrace humanity and do what is best for ALL (you, the other and the situation) vs. what is just in your favor.  Spiritual relationship is a gift of growth and healing.   

Choose love.  Always.   

If you have a choice, choose connection.  

Choose time in the backyard lingering with you neighbor over doing the dishes.  Attend the birthday party instead of getting ahead at work.   Stay up late talking under the stars.  Choose any activity that gives you the opportunity to practice Spiritual Connection, aka FRIENDSHIP.  

Put yourself in a position where you give it all away.   And in your giving, you will receive all you need.  


If you are a Graduate of the Heart Wide Open Women’s Empowerment Program I am inviting you to the….


Heart Wide Open 




To move closer together and draw nearer to the truth of your soul, ignite Self-Advocacy


To do this with RADICAL ACCEPTANCE for what is, be Present, be Brave


To do this with some bad-ass women by your side



Your whole Heart.  



Monthly Meditation Challenge ….unite with your soul 

Monthly Educational Topics …...uncage your Heart

Monthly Homework …..imprint what you learn into your life 

Group Work  …...practice relationship- interact with love 

Partner Work …… be held accountable, to encourage you to keep believing in yourself

Private Facebook Group …….share and stay connected all month long 

Guest Speakers ……get ready to be inspired

Surprise Extra Curricular Activities ….can’t wait to share some gem like opportunities with you all 



If you haven’t registered yet or would like to check out the Original Heart Wide Open Women’s Empowerment Intensive ….  CLICK HERE.   

Hannah Zackney