Want vs. Should

Jul 16, 2024

Are you exhausting yourself trying to be a Good Boy or a Good Girl?  Before you discount this question ask yourself.   

Do you use the word “should” and follow it up with a weeks worth of guilt?   Do you ignore what you desire to do for the sake of what you feel obligated to do for others?   

Do you stay in situations long after they feel rewarding?   

Do you say Yes when you mean No?  

Be Honest!  Is there a disparity between what you WANT to do and what you SHOULD do?  

I’m not suggesting we unrealistically glom onto every waking desire.   I’m not promoting the WANT of things that cause self-harm/injury or detract from living your best life.  I’m definitely not promoting addictions or in support of being cruel to your mom just because she hurt your feelings.  

I AM referring to the tendency to ignore your intuitive WANTS for society’s SHOULDS. 

I AM referring to how you say Yes out of habit instead of CHOICE.  

I am talking about ignoring the pit in your stomach every time you think about a situation and returning to it again and again.   I’m talking about the fact that a particular person always seems to point out your flaws instead of your strengths but you remain loyal to them hoping that they will return your commitment.   

I’m talking about boundaries.   I’m talking about demanding that people treat you as if you are as amazing as you are.  I’m talking about taking your power back in all ways and knowing you are able to protect yourself.   I’m talking about claiming a beautiful world instead of waiting for one to appear before you.  

Life is going fast and it seems to only be speeding up.  There is a LOT to digest on a daily basis.    There is a lot of cause for distraction.  It’s so easy to justify turning towards addiction, depression or anxiety.   There are so many justifiable reasons to be overwhelmed.  

One of the greatest reasons of overwhelm is feeling powerless to change your circumstances.  And, maybe you can’t change a lot of it.   

However, it’s NEVER been more important to control what YOU can control.   Simplistically this may be as basic as honoring your gut, your emotions and choosing thoughts of gratitude. 

Does the thing you “should” be doing bring you joy?  If not, maybe we “should” explore the things you actually WANT.   

Decide to take a moment in your day to listen to your instincts.  Update your thoughts and opinions.  So often the good gets in the way of the best.   Go after a solid 10 with reckless abandon.   And evaluate anything under a 9. 

Sometimes the shift we need is within arms reach and all we need to do is let go of what we are currently gripping onto in order to reach for the new.   

Trust yourself enough to listen.  Remember, honoring your self is an act of loving yourself.  

Hannah Zackney