Enjoy a Vibrant Summer: Prioritize Your Wellness!

Jun 27, 2024

Oh sweet summer, I am reminded how busy you actually are! Summer is typically looked at as the time to sit back and relax, but with kids being home and so many activities to go to, it can feel exhausting pretty quickly! Here are my tips to enjoy the summer while also prioritizing your mental health. 

Embrace the Outdoors (Don't Forget the Sunscreen!)

There's nothing quite like soaking up some sunshine, and it's more than just a mood booster. Spending time outside is the best way for your body to produce Vitamin D, an essential nutrient. Did you know that about 90% of your Vitamin D comes directly from the sun? This vitamin is crucial for building and maintaining healthy bones, supporting your immune system, and enhancing muscle function and brain activity. Low levels of Vitamin D can increase your risk of diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure, and also elevate your risk of mental health disorders like depression and schizophrenia.

So, why not make it a habit to spend some time outside every day? It's a simple way to boost your mood and enhance your overall health!

Get Active

It is HOT. This can make it hard to want to get a good workout in! But your physical health plays a huge role in your mental health. I challenge you to wake up just a tad earlier and move your body before the temperatures cranks up to high! Being active outside so early in the day gives you a great kickstart, helps supply that vitamin D, and will leave you feeling proud of your body at the next pool party!

Find a Social Life to Solitude Ratio

When your kids are constantly at weekend sports competitions or the neighborhood is getting together all the time, it can be hard to find time to recharge. Finding equilibrium between social interaction and solitary moments is paramount for sustaining overall well-being and happiness. While socializing provides opportunities for connection, camaraderie, and shared experiences, solitude offers a sanctuary for introspection, self-discovery, and recharge. You need both! Make sure you’re finding time for you during this busy season.

Seek Mental Health Support 

You don’t have to wait until you’re struggling to get mental health support. Finding a therapist to help you navigate the stressors, work towards your goals, and stay balanced in your day- to-day life can help you experience a healthier, happier, and more meaningful summer.