Happy Summer Solstice 2024

Jun 24, 2024

Summer Solstice is a time to reflect, a time to evaluate self-growth, purpose and meaning.    

At this celebratory time of year seeds are planted in the Earth as well as in our souls.  

At Solstice (1:50PM PST June 20th, 2024), the sun brightens our skies more and longer than any other day of the year!   

Throughout history, many traditions and cultures have celebrated the expansive LIGHT being showered upon the Earth on this day.  It’s known as one of the powerful days of the year for spiritual growth and healing.

In terms of consciousness, Solstice allows for us to be most present to ourselves and to who we know ourselves to be.

Therefore it is a great time of cleansing and renewal.  It is also a wonderful time for fertility, growth and expansion.  

On Summer Solstice humans enjoy giving back to creation in ceremony and ritual. We thank creation for the constant energy and blessings. We recognize and honor Mother Earth who is so generously good to us, dedication her warmth and light, which we require to thrive and prosper.

Although it has been a few days since solstice has passed, you can still celebrate the new season by:

1) Surround yourself with plants, flowers and abundance that grows from the earth.   

5 sacred Celtic plants associated with Midsummer are St. John’s Wort, Vervain, Yarrow, Fern, and Mugwort.

2) Gather in community. Create a circle.  

Exchange stories, ideas, poems, art, songs, etc..  Dance. Play.  Drum.  Celebrate.

3) Create a Sun Wheel or mandala (a symbol of the circle of life/connectedness) made from flowers or things found in nature.

4) Keep a sacred fire burning. 

Build a bonfire.  Light a candle in celebration alone or with friends.  

5) Pray.  Make a Prayer Stick or Prayer Tree.

Pray for peace specifically for places that suffer from poverty or scarcity and experience limited amounts of peace.

Hannah Zackney