Can a person's negative energy affect mine?

Sep 16, 2024

Ever walk into a room and feel like someone just sucked the fun out of it? Like the air got heavy, and suddenly your good mood is under attack? Yep, that’s the impact of negative heart energy, and trust me, it’s real! But here’s the good news: you don’t have to let it drag you down. In fact, if you’re rocking a highly coherent state, you’re practically a superhero with the power to deflect negativity and even turn the vibe around.

Let’s break it down. Your heart isn’t just pumping blood like it’s on autopilot. Nope, it’s a legit energy generator, sending out electromagnetic waves that reach several feet beyond your body. This energy can influence not just your own mood but also the mood of everyone around you. So, when you’re in a coherent state—where your heart, mind, and emotions are in perfect harmony—you’ve got a secret weapon against negativity. Think of it like an emotional force field.

Here’s where it gets really cool: your positive, coherent heart energy can actually sway the energy in the room. Your heart’s rhythm can influence others, helping to bring their energy into a more balanced state. So instead of letting someone elses’ gloom bring you down, you might just lift them up—without even trying!

But how do you get to that level of coherence, you ask? Simple. It’s all about focusing on positive emotions—think gratitude, love, and compassion. Throw in some deep breathing and mindfulness, and you’re on your way to being the most unflappable person in the room.

So next time you feel the weight of someone else’s negative energy creeping in, remember: you’ve got the power to not just resist it but to change the entire vibe. And who knows? Your heart energy might just save the day!