5 Things My Clients Proved are True in a Pandemic

May 04, 2020

Hi sweet peeps!   

I don’t know about you, but this past month or so has grown and challenged me so very much.  Today I feel grounded in much of the change that has taken place and for that I am grateful.     

At the start of this pandemic I found myself more overwhelmed than I expected. My uncle contracted covid-19 in mid March.   He is now recovering, but at that time we didn’t know much about this virus and how it could potentially change the trajectory of our lives.  

Naturally, I was concerned and his diagnosis made the threat of this virus personally relevant.   It wasn’t just on the news.  It had hit my family.  

For weeks I was overcome by stress.  I was also still.   I was barely able to focus on much more than holding space for my clients, getting my feet on nature’s floor and processing the next update.   I wasn’t sleeping well.   Meditation felt fleeting. 

Gratefully, my clients, groups, family and friends encouraged me to keep showing up for each day.  Long walks have been my saving grace. 

I started drawing butterflies, endlessly.  I then recognized the symbolic nature of a butterfly transitioning, evolving, transcending.   Hope began to emerge.  Maybe we are like butterflies, transcending and moving closer to becoming the people we have been called to be.   

We say in therapy that things might get worse before they get better.  I am holding out hope that we are currently embracing the pain and grief of change to move towards light and truth.  

In the past many weeks I’ve witnessed amazing humans deal with so many aspects of themselves, to include their relationships, their addictions, their finances, their life choices, their fears of mortality and more.   

Here is the top 5 take away lessons I’ve observed…  

1.)  We NEED one another and DESERVE to BE with one another

We need our communities and connections more than ever before.   We were not meant to be in isolation from one another.   We are meant to support others and be supported.   We deserve to be loved and witnessed as the beautiful souls that we are. 

2.)  NOW is the time to HEAL – We heal when we are truly seen

It is our right to heal and be healed. Now is the time to witness others from a place of truth, without judgment, anger or injury.   It’s time we are witnessed with only grace, love and compassion.  This time is calling on deep, powerful individual and collective healing.  We heal individually AND we heal together.  

3.)  Choice is our birthright

I’ve heard deep anger and frustration expressed by those who have worked hard to create a supported, vulnerable and free way of living and who are unwilling to be put back in a corner or silenced for any reason.

It is critically important to be aware and do what you can for those in your tribe in these uncertain times.    Choose YOU daily and choose to support those you love.   

4.)  You can handle ANYTHING life brings your way

If you need a reminder of your power, autonomy, strength and choice in your situation re-read Victor Frankel’s Man’s Search For Meaning or any other empowering example of overcoming.   

Your emotions are your warning system.  When you feel and recognize your emotions (yes you can), you are then able to head the signs of caution, take direction and honor your truest self.   What is happening is less important than how you are responding to it.  Own your life beginning now.  

5.)  Joy matters now more than ever!  

I’m seeing people honor the DESIRES of their hearts.  And, as soon as we honestly allow ourselves to WANT WHAT WE WANT we are gifted the next best right step.    Desire leads to purpose.   Your desire will inform your purpose.   Your purpose will bring you to your true self where you can truly live.  

Courageous individuals are actively claiming their JOY.  People are willing to give up what was not serving them for the goal of moving towards what does.  Stale rewards from dead end jobs, toxic relationships, go-nowhere habits are being shed so that people can choose a vibrantly authentic life.   Be brave NOW.  

Hannah Zackney